Sunday, 16 October 2011

Mary Crehan Workshop

On Friday I went to a talk by Mary Crehan on her darning method for creating standing stones. It was a very entertaining talk as she has a wonderful sense of humour and it turns out I know her daughter from doing a course together.

This was followed by a workshop on Saturday to produce a piece of work based on stone. It was a full day with some lovely work produced, not mine which is far from finished but if it turns out well I'll post at a later date.

We drew some lines on paper and placed this under scrim on a frame. 

Here are some of the threads I'm going to use.

As you can see nobody got there work finished as its a slow process although some people used big stitches and thick thread so made better progress.


  1. Lovely textures and colours.

  2. I am always amazed at the variety of different textiley projects there are out there - this all looks very different and interesting - let us see it when (if?) you finish it!

  3. You sound as if you really enjoyed Mary Crehan's workshop. The Norwich one was oversubscribed so I wasn't so fortunate. You describe placing scrim over the paper, what happens next? Did you mark the scrim, or work through both and tear away the paper? What about the stitch lengths? If you have time it would be good to hear.

  4. Shame you couldn't get into the Norwich one as it was good fun. The paper wasn't attached to the scrim but laid on the table underneath and in fact I did my own thing rather than following it. The fabric and threads were weaved in and out of the scrim and small pieces of handmade paper was added before being sewn over with a machine. I did eventually finish it but it took ages and I'll post a picture although haven't done anything with it.

  5. Thank you for getting back to me. I'd be very interested to see the final result.
