Thursday, 11 December 2014

Felt bag, bits and bobs and the amazing floating man

Had a good day in Manchester going round the Christmas markets. It was very busy and lots to explore. Had to share a photo of the incredible floating man, obviously some sort of seat fixed to the cane but really looked like he was floating.

Made a felt bag from a piece of flat felt and wanted to leave the uneven edge which made it quite hard to line so next time I may try and make one using a resist so it's all in one piece.

Did a craft fair at Holmfirth High School a couple of weeks ago after getting lost trying to find it. The sat nav took us in totally the wrong direction and we ended up down a narrow no through road but luckily we found someone to ask who directed us. The fair had lots of stalls and I had a good day and had been wondering how to display pictures for ages so finally got a screen which worked out well.

Made yet another poppy picture as people really seem to love poppies. 

Finally did some nuno felting on a hand dyed chiffon scarf and it really turned out well but unfortunately shrunk to about a foot long so may have to use it for something else. It is lovely colours with lots of silk but no idea how people get really long ones as they must have to start with something enormous or maybe join them together.