Saturday, 22 November 2014

Knitting and Stitching Show Harrogate

Visited the show at Harrogate on Thursday and spent lots of money on what didn't look like much when unpacked. Got the usual threads, beads and needles and 2 pieces of silk sari fabric which I am going to nuno felt at some point. Discovered the International Feltmakers Association which I am going to join as they produce a great magazine and have groups fairly locally as well as talks and workshops. Getting very into felt lately so should be good.

The exhibitions were Ok although in my opinion the best one was Black Sheep and apologies as this is felt again and took some pictures. I love the colours and organic shapes and the way that felt can be made into a 3D object. Photos weren't allowed on some other exhibits.

Finally my latest felt picture of cow parsley on a painted canvas. Just need to sew it onto the canvas now and put a backing on. 

Monday, 17 November 2014

Christmas stars and summer poppies

What a horrible thought and horrible day here too but at least the weekend fog has gone.

Don't normally make Christmas specific items but obviously the crackers put me in the mood and ended up making 9 of them. Decided to try my hand at something different so made some stars with lace and beads which I think came out well. They are decorated on the back as well and stuffed with toy stuffing.

Rarely make pictures with felt although really should as I have 2 banana boxes full of merino wool, just can't resist the colours. Made a felt background of a poppy fields and free machined onto it, embellished it with threads and French knots and it didn't turn out too bad.

Went to a craft fair at Elsecar Heritage Centre yesterday which was OK, nothing really caught my eye which is what I find these day not like the 1980s where craft fairs were full of wonderful individual designed items. Guess they can't afford the time to spend making things anymore as people don't seem to spend the money like they used to. I know my things take ages to make and I couldn't possibly charge for all the hours I spend. One purchase I did make thought was a top hat, not a really tall one as the shorter one looked better. Strange thing I know but love them and will decorate it to wear at craft fairs to make me stand out and hopefully attract customers. The lady was selling steampunk items and looked really good in her hat.

Exciting week ahead as I am off to the Knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate on Thursday so hope to buy lots of things and take some photos of the exhibitions. Having a long day there so may even get time to pop into Betty's for a coffee.

On Sunday I am off to Manchester with my son and his fiance to see the lights. Never been there so looking forward to that. Can't resist shopping.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Dissolvable Fabric

I really enjoy working on dissolvable fabrics and wanted to show what can be achieved. There are several different sorts which include: heavyweight film (Romeo), lightweight film (Juliette), Aquabond, Solufleece and vanishing muslin although this does not tend to be used much these days. Both Romeo and Juliette look like thick cling film and are washed out in cold water although warm water can be used to hasten the action. Once dissolved the work can be slightly stiff if any film is left in although this can be an advantage if making a bowl or 3D object.

Solufleece looks like thin fabric and is also washed out in water and Aquabond has a sticky side so fabrics and threads can be positioned on it and then covered with thin film before being sewn onto.

Vanishing Muslin can be sewn onto then dissolved with a hot iron although this does not tend to be used much these days.

Probably the most important thing to remember is that the threads must all touch otherwise when the film is dissolved the threads won't hold together.

Some books that deal with dissolvable work include Fragile Fabrics Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn, Dissolvable Delights Maggie Grey and Stitch Dissolve Distort, Valerie Campbell-Harding and Maggie Grey.

Some examples shown below.

Leaf worked on Romeo

Worked on Romeo with the addition of man made cords and knotted cords.

A grid made using threads onto Aquabond

Two pieces of fabric joined using Romeo to stitch onto.

Making Small Christmas crackers

Crackers completed.

You can also make lacy edges for scarves and will show these in the next post.